Contact data
c/o Handelskammer Hamburg, Adolphsplatz 120457 Hamburg
Hamburg is an internationally-renowned logistics hub with the second-largest container port in Europe. Almost every logistics company of national importance operating in Germany has a presence in Hamburg. The location is attractive and offers the best conditions for the industry, of which there are about 5,700 companies operating in Hamburg.
In 2006, the Court of Arbitration at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce decided to set up a special set of arbitration rules for this industry. They are tailored to the particular needs of the industry, in which the urgency of such proceedings is of prime importance. When there is a dispute between companies or with a company from the logistics industry, the Court of Arbitration guarantees a fast, inexpensive and globally-recognised dispute settlement procedure of the highest quality. The worldwide enforceability of arbitral awards is a further important advantage for international business. The Court of Arbitration works only with qualified arbitrators with experience in the industry. The list of arbitrators is not binding; parties are free to nominate arbitrators who are not included in the list.
The Logistics Court of Arbitration was developed for industry stakeholders in conjunction with representatives of the industry. Logistics companies, their customers, the Association of Hamburg Freight Forwarders, the State Ministry for Economic and Labour Affairs of the City of Hamburg, the Bucerius Law School and the Hanseatic Bar Association were all involved in the establishment of the Court and guarantee a high level of acceptance and quality of proceedings.