Dr. Martin P. Lögering
Lawyer | Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
- Arbitration
- Litigation
- Mediation
- Expert determination
- German
- English
Practice areas
- Commercial law
- Construction law
- Insurance law
- Maritime law
- Corporate law (M&A)
- Energy and infrastructure
- Engineering
- Insurance
- Trade
Martin has worked in litigation and arbitration for more than fifteen years. He has extensive experience in representing clients before state courts and arbitration tribunals.
As an experienced litigator, Martin represents national and international clients in commercial disputes before the German regional and higher regional courts. In the field of arbitration, he has conducted proceedings as counsel (under various arbitration rules including ICC, DIS, GMAA and in ad hoc proceedings). He also regularly acts as arbitrator (e.g. ICC, DIS, SO-Bau, GMAA). Furthermore, Martin advises his clients in other dispute resolution proceedings (including expert determination proceedings, mediation) and in out-of-court disputes.
As a bar-certified specialist lawyer in International Business Law (Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, since 2014), Martin has special expertise in the enforcement and defence of claims in international disputes and the cross-border enforcement of judgments and arbitration awards.
He has advised and represented companies in legal disputes in particular in the areas of trade, energy (in particular: offshore wind), plant and mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, the supply industry as well as in damage and liability cases (including insurance).
In the Handelsblatt / Best Lawyers ranking (‘Germany's best lawyers’), Martin is recommended in the areas of Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation.
Before founding GRAT Disputes, Martin was a lawyer with the leading international law firm Hogan Lovells (Litigation/Arbitration practice group) and the Hamburg law firm Lebuhn & Puchta (Litigation/Arbitration practice group). He studied law at the Universities of Münster, Hamburg and Nijmegen (Netherlands) and wrote his doctoral thesis on a topic in the field of international sales and commercial law (CISG).
Martin is a lecturer in International Contract and Commercial Law at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. He regularly speaks at conferences on commercial law topics and is the author of several articles and publications, including the section ‘Arbitration’ in the Handbook on Mediation Law published by Fritz/Pielsticker.
Learn more: https://grat-disputes.de/en/dr-martin-p-loegering/
Curriculum vitae
Since 2024
Founding partner GRAT Disputes, Hamburg
Lawyer, Lebuhn & Puchta Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Solicitor mbB, Hamburg (Litigation & Arbitration practice group; since 2016 as Salary Partner)
since 2016
Lecturer for International Contract and Commercial Law at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg
Bar-Certified Specialist Lawyer in International Business Law (Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht)
Lawyer, Lovells LLP / Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hamburg (Litigation/Arbitration practice group)
Legal clerkship at Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg
Doctoral thesis, University of Hamburg (‘CISG and International Commercial Terms’)
Law studies at the universities of Münster, Nijmegen (Netherlands) and Hamburg
- German Arbitration Institute (DIS)
- Dutch Arbitration Association (DAA)
- Hamburg Arbitration Circle (HAC)
- German Maritime Arbitration Association (GMAA)
- German-Dutch-Lawyers-Association (DNRV)
Publications & Presentations
- CISG und internationale Handelsklauseln, 2008
- Verlust etwaiger Schadensersatzrechte durch die Minderung des Kaufpreises?, MDR 2009, 664
- Der richtige Umgang mit unechten Fremdwährungsschulden, RiW 2009, 625
- Die Anfechtung von Grundstücksverfügungen nach dem Anfechtungsgesetz (AnfG), ZfIR 2010, 610
- Haftung trotz fehlender Passivlegitimation, MDR 2010, 908
- Die Eignung schiedsgerichtlicher Verfahren zur Lösung baurechtlicher Konflikte, ZfBR 2010, 14
- Rückforderung überzahlter Miete nach Minderung, NZM 2010, 113
- Neue GMAA-Schiedsgerichtsordnung, Hansa Journal 03/2017
- Abschnitt „Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit“ in: Fritz/Pielsticker (Hrsg.), Handbuch zum Mediationsgesetz, 2. Auflage, 2018
- Ausländisches Recht – grenzüberschreitende Fälle, Presentation Legal Offshore Day 2019
- Arb-Med, Med-Arb & Arb-Med-Arb – Hybrid Dispute Resolution Processes, Presentation WINDFORCE Conference 2020
- Fallstricke und Lösungen – 'Be Ready for H2', Presentation Legal Offshore Day 2021
- Klimaklagen: The New Kid on the Block, Hansa Journal, 08/2022
- Klimaklagen – The New Kid on the Block, Presentation WINDFORCE Conference 2022
- ‘Greening’ the Transport System – Climate Change Related arbitrations in the Transport Sector, Presentation Baltic Arbitration Days 2022
- Unterschiede im deutschen und niederländischen Vertragsrecht, Presentation DNRV-Herbstseminar 2022
- Anwendbares Verfahrensrecht und materielles Recht, Presentation Hamburg Arbitration School 2022
- Fallstricke und Streitigkeiten bei der Dekarbonisierung von Lieferketten, Presentation WINDFORCE Conference 2023
GRAT Disputes Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält:innen mbB Engelke Lögering Wagner
Rothenbaumchaussee 4020148 Hamburg