- Arbitration
- English
- German
Practice areas
- Bank and capital market law
- Competition law
- Commercial law
- Corporate law (M&A)
- Distribution law
- Inheritance law
- Insolvency law
- Intellectual property law
- Real estate law
- Construction law
- Maritime law
- Bank and financial services
- Insurance
- Media, advertising and telecommunication
- Real estate
- Logistics and transportation
- Trade
- Automotive
- Consumer products and retail
- Energy and infrastructure
- Engineering
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bork (born Cologne, 1956). Studied law at the University of Münster/Westf., passing state examinations in 1980 and 1982. Law doctorate in 1984 and post-doctoral thesis (Habilitation) in 1988. Professor of Law at University of Bonn in 1989. Since 1990, Professor of Law at University of Hamburg, where he holds a chair for Civil Procedural Law. He was Dean of the Law Faculty in 1993/1994 and Vice Dean (head of the Examination Office) 2005-2010. Robert S. Campbell Visiting Fellow at Magdalen College Oxford 2010/2011 and 2015/2016. Professor for International Insolvency Law, Radboud University Nijmegen 2019-2021. Senior Research Fellow, Commercial Law Centre, Harris Manchester College, Oxford/UK 2020-2023. Also served as a judge at the Upper State Court (Court of Appeal) in Hamburg in the Commercial Law Division with jurisdiction including Patents and Intellectual Property Rights (1992-1998). He has been invited for talks and as Visiting Professor to various universities worldwide, among others National Taiwan University Taipei, Oxford University, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Tsinghua University Beijing, and has published extensively on Civil and Civil Procedural Law (including Arbitration), Insolvency Law and Commercial Law. He has broad experience as an arbitrator in national and international cases since 1994 (amount in dispute up to 167 Mio. €).
Curriculum vitae
Academic Qualifications
2020-2023 Senior Research Fellow, Commercial Law Centre, Harris Manchester College, Oxford
2019-2021 Professor for International Insolvency Law at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
2019 Visiting Professor at National Taiwan University, Taipei
2015-2016 Robert S Campbell Visiting Fellow at Magdalen College Oxford
2010-2011 Robert S Campbell Visiting Fellow at Magdalen College Oxford
2005-2010 Vice Dean and Head of the Examination Office
1993-1994 Dean
1990-today Professor in Hamburg, Chair for General and Civil Procedure Law
1989 Professor in Bonn
1988 Habilitation (post doctoral thesis)
1984 Dr. iur. (law doctorate)
1982 Second State Examination
1980 First State Examination
Professional career
- Academic: cf. above
- 1990 offer of a chair at Cologne University
- 1994 offer of a chair at Tuebingen University
- 1994 offer of a chair at Goettingen University
- 2010 offer of a chair at Bonn University
- Judicial: Judge at the UpperState Court (Court of Appeal) in Hamburg (1992-1996)
Academic Association for International Procedural Law, Member
Advisory Committee of the American Bankruptcy Institute, Member
Association of the Teachers of Civil Law, Member
Association of the Teachers of Civil Procedural Law, Member
Association of the Teachers of Insolvency Law, Founder
Conference of European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL) [Member of the Board, by invitation only]
European Chinese Arbitrators Association
European Law Institute, Member
German Chinese Arbitration Centre, Member
German Institution of Arbitration, Member
INSOL International and INSOL Europe, Member, Management and Academic Monitor of the EIR Case Register
Insolvency Lawyers’ Association (UK), Member
Grundzüge des Zwangsvollstreckungsrechts (Basics of Enforcement Proceedings), 1984;
Der Vergleich (The Compromise), 1988;
Werbung im Programm (Unfair Competition in the Media), 1988;
Freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit (Voluntary Jurisdiction), 2nd ed. 2002;
Zahlungsverkehr in der Insolvenz (Payments and Insolvency Law), 2002;
Handbuch des Insolvenzanfechtungsrechts (Handbook on Transactions Avoidance Law), 2006;
Die Rechtsstellung des Insolvency Practitioner (The legal position of the Insolvency Practitioner), 2011;
Rescuing Companies in England and Germany, Oxford University Press 2012;
Allgemeiner Teil des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs (General Part of the Civil Code), 4th ed. 2016;
European Cross-border Insolvency Law, Oxford University Press, 2016 – together with Renato Mangano
Principles of Cross-Border Insolvency Law, Intersentia, 2017
Die Verwalterauswahl (Choosing the Insolvency Practitioner), 2018
Corporate Insolvency Law, 2020;
Einführung in das Insolvenzrecht (Introduction to Insolvency Law), 10th ed. 2021.
- Zivilprozessordnung (German Code of Civil Procedure): Stein/Jonas (21. Aufl. 1993/1994; 22. Aufl. 2003/2004; 23. Aufl. 2013/2014),
- Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (Civil Code): Staudinger (§§ 145-163 [13. Bearb. 1996; Neubearbeitungen 2003, 2010, 2015, 2020)],
- Umwandlungsgesetz (Code of Conversion): Lutter (§§ 14-19, 316; 1996; 4. Aufl. 2009)
- Insolvenzordnung (Insolvency Code): Kübler/Prütting/Bork (vor § 128, 133, 134, Anh. I § 147; 2020)
- GmbH-Gesetz (Limited Liability Companies Act): Bork/Schäfer (§ 64), 2010, 2012, 2015, 2019
More than 300
Archiv für die civilistische Praxis (AcP)
Bankruptcy Law Review (China, Expert Consultative Committee)
Commentary on the European Insolvency Regulation
Handbuch der Insolvenzanfechtung (Handbook on the Law of Preferences)
Handbuch Insolvenzrecht (Handbook on Insolvency Law)
Kommentar zum Familienverfahrensgesetz (Commentary on the German Code of Voluntary Jurisdiction)
Kommentar zum GmbH-Gesetz (Commentary on the Limited Liability Companies Act)
Kommentar zur Insolvenzordnung (Commentary on the German Insolvency Code)
Security Rights and the European Insolvency Regulation
Zeitschrift für Insolvenzrecht (KTS; Journal for Insolvency Law)
Zeitschrift für Restrukturierungs- und Insolvenzrecht (ZRI; Journal for Restructuring and Insolvency Law)
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP; Journal for Business Law – until 2019).
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Law
20148 Hamburg