Gregor Harbs, LL.M.
Neuer Wall 4120354 Hamburg
In 1983 members of the shipping trade and lawyers specialised in maritime law from Hamburg and Bremen set up the GMAA. Their aim was to offer the maritime business a more moderately priced and effective alternative to other arbitration systems abroad and to promote maritime arbitration as practised in the port cities of Hamburg and Bremen on a national and international level. Clear and easily understandable rules of procedure, together with moderate fees, were ideally placed to achieve that aim.
Today based on German procedural law and the UNCITRAL rules, the GMAA has established sector-oriented arbitration rules which ensure high quality, legally certain, independent, quick, efficient and cost-effective proceedings, which result in awards which are enforceable worldwide.
Unlike other arbitration organisations the German Maritime Arbitration Association does not administer arbitration proceedings.