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- Logistik und Transport
- Handel
Trained in three jurisdictions, Eckart Brödermann has worked on cross-border contracts, has shaped international transactions and has played a role in international arbitrations around the globe for 30 years.
As counsel to companies, he has negotiated dozens of cross-border contracts, including complex construction, international joint ventures, company sales and cross border investments. He has advised international organisations; and foreign companies reaching out to Europe and beyond, e.g. by setting up the legal structure for worldwide distribution and sales activities including contracts and the founding of companies in foreign jurisdictions. He has advised German industry reaching out to international markets, e.g., as lead external counsel by negotiating a complex multi-billion Euro contract with the Algerian state. He has orchestrated investments from Asia to Asia and to the Americas, from the U.S. to the U.K., or from Russia to Asia. His legal work related to more than 20 industries including construction (cars, plants, ships, off-shore structures), cosmetics, defence, energy (oil & gas, wind, biogas, solar), food (coffee), health, IT, machines, media (books), pharmaceuticals, real estate, satellite, telecommunication, textile, transportation, sports (sponsoring and marketing).
Eckart has been involved in arbitration since 1983 (inter alia on an arbitration case pending at the Iran Claims Tribunal in the oil & gas sector). In recent years, he has concentrated his professional life on arbitration, an area of law in which he has been writing and teaching for many years. He has played a role in over 50 arbitrations in various capacities (and relating to 14 different sets of arbitration rules). In ca. 20 arbitrations relating to over 10 different industries, he has sat as arbitrator, including chairmanship in a CIETAC arbitration (Shanghai) and in ICC and DIS arbitrations in Germany.
Curriculum vitae
Studies at the Universities
- Paris V (1980 Licence en droit, 1981 Maîtrise en droit),Lauréat du Concours Général 1980
- Harvard University (Harvard Law School: LL.M. 1983)
- Hamburg University (first state exam 1987, Dr. jur. 1994)
- New York (since 1984)
- Hamburg (since 1990)
2011: Professor at Hamburg University; Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London)
2016: Certified Specialist in International Business Law (Certified under the German Specialized Lawyer's Rules)
CEAC (Chinese European Arbitration Centre, honorary Managing Director until June 2019); CELA (Chinese European Legal Association, President since Spring 2019); International Bar Association (Chairman emeritus Space Law Committee); Inter-Pacific Bar Association (Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Committee); Hamburg Bar Organization (Member of the Board until May 2020); German Federal Bar Organization (“BRAK”) (member of the Committee for International Private Law, until December 2019); listed arbitrator with various arbitration institutions (e.g. CEAC, LCIA, ICAC, DIS, DIAC, KLRCA, THAC, SIAC); Harvard Club of Hamburg (President), Harvard Law School Association of Germany
Eckart Brödermann is a co-editor of the Hamburg Law Review.
A complete list of publications can be found at my website at Hamburg University (Profil Prof. Eckart Brödermann Universität Hamburg). It includes publications on issues of international litigation (especially of company matters), of German civil law, of private international law (e.g. international contract law, international company law), of European contract law, and of antitrust, banking, maritime, satellite and space law. Major publications include 8 editions of a book on private international law and international arbitration and litigation, 15 editions on suretyship law and private international and competition law in a German commentary on the German Civil Code and, in English, an article-by-article-commentary of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2016.
Brödermann Jahn Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
ABC-Strasse 1520354 Hamburg