Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll, LL.M.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll, LL.M.


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Stefan has substantial experience as arbitrator and has served as arbitrator (party appointed, sole arbitrator, chairman & Emergency Arbitrator) in more than 80 domestic and international arbitration cases under a variety of rules (e.g. ICC, DIS, VIAC, Swiss Rules, KCBA & ad hoc).

Stefan is Professor for International Dispute Resolution and Director of the Center for International Dispute Resolution at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg.

Since 2022 Chairman of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS)

Since 2022 Director of the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Stiftung and the August Maria Berges Stiftung für Arbitrales Recht

Since 2019 Professor for International Dispute Resolution at the Bucerius Law School

Since 2017 Director of the Center for International Dispute Resolution at the Bucerius Law School

2014 - 2015 Visiting fellow Lauterpacht Centre, University of Cambridge

2012 - 2019 Honorary professor at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

Since 2012 Co-Director of the Willem C. Vis Arbitration Moot in Vienna

Since 2005 National Correspondent for Germany to UNCITRAL

Since 1999 Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer) in Cologne with specialization in arbitration and international transactions

International Advisory Board of the Vienna International Arbitration Center

International Board of Finland Arbitration Institute

Advisory Board of the August Maria Berges Stiftung für Arbitrales Recht

Board of Editors/Academic Advisory Board of several national and international reviews on arbitration and international business law

Ergänzung und Anpassung von Verträgen durch Schiedsgerichte, Heymanns (Gap filling and Contract Adaptation by Arbitral Tribunals), 1998

Comparative International Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer Law International 2003 (Co-Author with Lew/Mistelis)

Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes, Kluwer Law International 2004 (Co-Editor with Horn)

Arbitration in Germany – The Model Law in Practice, Kluwer Law International, 2nd ed. 2015 (Co-Editor with Böckstiegel/Nacimiento)

Conflict of Laws in International Arbitration, Juris, 2nd ed. 2019 (Co-Editor with Ferrari)

UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG) – Commentary, Beck/Hart/Nomos, 2nd ed. 2018 (Co-Editor with Mistelis/Perales Viscasillas)

International Commercial Arbitration – A Transnational Perspective, American Case Book Series – West Law, 7th ed. 2019 (Co-Author with Várady/Barceló)

Since 2004: annual summaries of the German jurisprudence on arbitral matters in the SchiedsVZ (German Arbitration Law Review)

More than 80 articles and book contributions on arbitration, international procedural law, international contract law, bank law, international private law and more than 60 case reviews in German and English



RA Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll

Hahnenstr. 21 f
50997 Köln